
In any emergency call 999 or 112 from a land-line if you can and ask for Ambulance, Fire, Police or Coast Guard when connected.

Scotland has a higher rate of violent crime than England or Wales. However, much of it occurs amongst gangs, thus violent crime against tourists is uncommon. Petty crimes such as thefts and pickpocketing are lower than many other European countries, but vigilance at all times is required, especially in crowded areas. Crime rates vary greatly from urban to rural areas. You should approach clubs and bars at night with caution, especially around closing time when drink fueled violence occurs, the best thing to do is use common sense and avoid any fighting.

Edinburgh can be considered a safe destination for visitors, but like all major cities there are problems and areas best avoided. Some of the city's suburbs are best avoided by tourists who are not familiar with the area. Crime is a common feature of nearly every large city in any country, and Edinburgh is no exception.

Despite Glasgow's reputation for being a violent place it is no more dangerous than any other city. Common sense rules one would apply in any large Western city apply. Unlike many cities where tourist havens and dangerous areas can be seamlessly separated by a single block, due to Glasgow's layout it is near impossible to accidentally wander into one of the "less desirable". During the Rangers v Celtic derby day which occurs 4 times each season, between August and May, possibly more in cup tiesthe city can become divided and problems can arise in areas that are normally trouble-free. On such days it is advisable to avoid wearing clothing of colours which may cause you to be affiliated with either team blue or green. Nevertheless, serious problems are still unlikely to be experienced in the city centre.

However, it is wise to avoid the subway in Glasgow on any day when Glasgow Rangers are playing football at home, as their stadium directly neighbours a subway stop. The trains can therefore become hopelessly crowded. Many football fans also like to partake in an activity known as "The Bouncy Bouncy" where up to 100 football fans bounce up and down at the same time, causing the tiny carriages to rock and rise to the peak of their suspension.

In rural areas, especially the Highlands and Islands, Perthshire and Scottish Borders, crime is significantly lower. It is, of course, advisable to be cautious at night, as in any town or city.

English visitors will find a warm welcome despite traditional rivalries, thus proving the myth that it's not safe to have an English accent in Scotland is indeed just that. They should of course expect a bit of - generally good-natured - teasing; especially whenever either Scotland or England are playing football or rugby. Serious discrimination against the English is extremely rare, and most Scots are embarrassed by any genuine malice displayed to the English by their fellow countrymen. The Scots can be generalised as friendly and open and it's unlikely that a foreigner will be treated with anything other than great respect and kindness, and those from south of the Border are no exception.

When hillwalking, you should always take along a compass, detailed maps, waterproof clothing, a torch flashlight, and a good pair of boots. A charged mobile phone can be a lifesaver as some mountain areas have cell coverage, but networks like T-Mobile and Orange don't cover the Highlands very well - however, ANY phone is capable of making a 999 or 112 call if there is a signal available on any network, so an Orange phone with no Orange signal is most definitely better than no phone. The weather on the hills can change suddenly, with visibility falling to just a few metres. If hillwalking alone tell someone where you are going and when you expect to be back. More advice is available from the Mountaineering Council of Scotland (http://www.mountaineering...)

Beware of midges! These small biting flying insects similar in looks to small swarming mosquitoes are prevalent in damp areas, particularly Western Scotland, from around May to September. The bites can itch but they don't carry disease. Midges don't tend to fly in direct sunshine or if it's windy, the worst times are dawn and dusk and near still water or damp areas. Males are often bitten more than females. It is advisable to take some strong insect repellent spray or if outdoors for a while, consider a face net.

Tap water in Scotland is safe to drink, if sometimes heavily chlorinated. In some remote or Northern areas it is best to let the tap run for a few seconds before using the water as it may have a slight brown tint. This is due to traces of soil or peat in the supply and nothing dangerous. Generally the further North you go in Scotland the better the water will taste!


See the UK contact entry for national information on telephone, internet and postal services. See Contact entries under individual cities for local information.